منتدى الأرانب للجميع
#  دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن 343215

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات الأرانب للجميع .
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى . مع تحيات الإدارة

#  دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن Rabbit10

منتدى الأرانب للجميع
#  دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن 343215

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ، في منتديات الأرانب للجميع .
المرجو منك أن تقوم بتسجـيل الدخول لتقوم بالمشاركة معنا. إن لم يكن لـديك حساب بعـد ، نتشرف بدعوتك لإنشائه بالتسجيل لديـنا . سنكون سعـداء جدا بانضمامك الي اسرة المنتدى . مع تحيات الإدارة

#  دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن Rabbit10

منتدى الأرانب للجميع
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى الأرانب للجميع دخول

أول منتدى عربى رائد في مجال تربية الأرانب ومستلزماتها ... يضم صفوة خبراء المجال ويعتبر الوجهة الأولى لمربي الأرانب فى العالم العربي ، حيث يساعد أصحاب الأرانب والحيوانات بأمورتربيتها ورعايتها وكيفية التعامل معها ، تجد به أيضا كل ما يهمك عن الزراعة وتربية

# دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن

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# دراسات فسيولوجية و غذائية في الدواجن

[The effect of substitution of soybean meal 44% in the diet of Silver
Montazah chickens and hens by algae meal (40.59%) at levels of 0%, 25%
50% and 75%.
The obtained results are summarized as follows:
Live body weight:
There was an increase in live body weight (10.2-18.8%), (7.2-20.5%) and
(5.9-28.5%) at 25% algae meal level than other treatments.
-The highest body weight was at 25% algae meal level.
-The worst body weight was at 75% algae meal level.
Body weight gain:
was noted that the best weight gain was in level 25% algae meal, as
well as in 50% algae meal at week 4 till 20 weeks of age, while at
level 75% the lower in body weight gain was detected.
Growth rate:
-There was an increase in growth rate at level 25% algae meal at weeks 2
till 6 weeks of age than other treatments (T1, T3, andT4).
-Increasing algae meal increased growth rate at weeks 7-20 weeks.
-Increasing algae meal decreased growth rate at weeks (0-4,5-8,9-12 and 0-12)
-75% algae meal was the worst in the growth rate.
Feed consumption:
-Increasing the level of algae meal decreased feed consumption -Birds fed 75% algae meal consumed less than other treatments.
Feed conversion:
- The best treatment in feed conversion was 25% algae meal level until 12 weeks of age.
-On contrary 75% algae meal level was the best in feed conversion from 16-20 weeks of age.
Sexual maturity:
- The age of sexual maturity decreased with the increased level of algae meal up to 50%.
- Birds need more time to arrive sexual maturity for T1 and T4 algae meal groups than T2 and T3.
- Body weight increased as algae meal increased up to 50% then body weight decreased at 75% algae meal group.
- Egg weight improved with increased the level of algae meal up to 50%.
-Increasing the algae meal levels in the diet decreased percentage.
- There was increasing of heart, heart%, gizzard, spleen, spleen% and
G.L.H at Level 25% algae meal.
- The Liver and liver % was increased at level 50% algae meal.
- The dress was increased in chicks fed diet control and 25% algae meal (74.11, 70.34), respectively.
- Level 75% algae meal was the worst in all traits.
Second experiment:
Live body weight:
-Increasing the levels of algae meal from 0% to 75% significantly (p<0.05) decreased average body weight.
-Level at 25% algae meal was the best in body weight significantly
Feed consumption:
-Diets have nearly the same calories 2718.51, 2731.77, 2778.9 and
2792.69 respectively.
- The feed consumed for the three treatments were equal in 22 until 30 weeks of age.
-Daily feed intake decreased with increasing algae meal.
Feed conversion:
-Increasing the level of algae meal up to 50% improved significantly (p<0.05) feed conversion.
- T2 and T 4 (25 and 75%) algae meal had the worst feed conversion.
Egg number:
production for 4 treatments through the 8 experimental 4-week periods.
It has been observed that increasing algae meal level from control (TI)
to 50% (T3) increased significantly average egg number.
-T4 (750/0) decreased significantly (p<0.05) average egg production/ hen/ period

-Birds fed control diet reached its peak production at 34-weeks of age.
-Level 50% algae meal reached its peak production at 30-weeks of age recording the highest level among other treatments.
-Birds fed 75% algae meal was inferior in egg number throughout the experimental period.
Egg weight:
- Increasing the level of algae meal increased egg weight up to 50% algae meal then decreased at level 75%.
-Level at 50% algae meal produced the high egg weight than other treatments
Egg mass:
-Level at 50% algae meal was the highest egg mass in all ages.
- Egg mass of birds fed control diets increased than other treatments (25% and 75%) algae meal.
-Level at 75% algae meal was the worst in egg mass.
Egg quality:
Egg weight
-At level 25% algae meal was highest than other treatments fu egg
weight at 30-34 weeks of ages increased significantly (p<0.05) while
at 38, 42 and 46 weeks of ages the increase was not significant.
Shell weight%:
-There was a significant difference of shell weight at ages 30,34,38,42 and 46 weeks of ages.
-Shell weight percentage was the heaviest at level (0 and 500/0) of algae meal.
-Level at 75% algae meal decreased shell weight percentage.
Shell thickness:
-No difference among shell thicknesses in all level at 30,34 weeks.
-Ages at 38, 42 and 46 weeks of age were significantly (p<0.05) in shell thickness.
-Shell thickness increased until level 50% of algae meal.
Haugh units:
-No significant differences among level 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% in all ages until 42 weeks of age.
- There were a significant differences (p<0.05) among all levels of algae meal at week 46.
Yolk color:
There were a significant differences (p<0.05) in yolk color in weeks
30, 34, 42 and 46 except 38 weeks of ages no significant difference of_
color was observed.
. Yolk color increased with increasing level of algae meal.
- 75% algae meal level was the highest in yolk color.
Shape index:
-There were no significant differences in shape index at weeks 30, 38, 42, and 46 weeks of age.
- There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in shape index at week 34.
Yolk index:
- There were no significant differences in yolk index at 30, 34, 36, 42 and 46 weeks of age.
-At level 0% the highest in yolk index while, at level 25% algae meal the worst in yolk index.
Fertility percent:
-Level at 50% algae meal was the best in fertility percent than other treatments.
-Level at 75% algae meal the worst in fertility percent.
Hatchability percent:
-It was noted that 50% algae meal increased hatchability (p<0.05) than other treatments (TI, T2 and T4).
-Mortality percent in all birds increased with increasing level of algae meal from 0% to 75% of Silver Montazah hens.
Carcass traits:
- The level of algae meal at 50% increased heart, liver, heart% and dress.
-Level 25% of algae meal increased spleen, spleen% G.L.H, gizzard, gizzard% than other treatments.
-Dressing percentage increased significantly at 25 % algae meal than
other treatments.
-Level 75% algae meal (T4) was the worst in all traits.
Blood samples:
-Increasing the level of algae meal in the diet did not affect total protein, albumin, globulin, NG ratio and glucose.
-Level at 75% algae meal decreased total lipids and cholesterol.
Digestibility coefficients:
-There were no significant differences (p<0.05) among treatments unless digestibility coefficients of dry matter.
-Level 250/0 algae meal the highest of dry matter than other treatments.
level of algae meal to 50 or 75% decreased significantly (p<0.05)
dry matter crude fiber, ether extract and nitrogen free extract
-Digestibility coefficient of crude protein improved as the level of algae meal increased until 50%.
Physical and chemical analysis:
- Increasing the level of algae meal increased WHC, TEND and color significantly (p<0.05).
-Birds fed 25% algae meal had the highest pH than other treatments respectively.
Increasing the level of algae meal fed to different groups caused a
significantly increase (P<0.05) in the level of dry matter and crude
protein but decreased in ash and ether extract.
Economic efficiency:
-The total feed consumption was decreased by increasing algae meal level in the diet.
- The price/kg diet was decreased by increasing algae meal in the laYing diet.
revenue was the highest in case of diets contained 50% algae meal
(11.68 LE/hen), after which it decreased to reach (4.63 LE/hen in 25%
and 7.37LE/hen for 75%) algae meal.


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